I know this is going to sound awfully arrogant, but I don’t mind. This is my blog and these are my intimate thoughts. I have had quite an active week, mentally speaking, working on a way to back my ideas about the mechanism of reincarnation with scientific knowledge already existing. And I have found the key. Now I feel I can finally rest at peace, and this is how I feel in the inside: no more doubts, no more confusion, no more need to fight with anyone, as I know that I am right and if they don’t see it like I do, it is because they are not considering all the data I have and they can’t glimpse what I call the Ultimate Truth. And I say “glimpse” because of course that is all I can get too, from my humble, human position. But some of us are just closer to that Truth than others.
As I suspected, I am not the only one who had come to the same conclusion. We are soul and body at the same time. And this is not a belief, it is based on the duality wave-particle. Jean Pierre Garnier Malet, a physicist, elaborated the Doubling Time Theory, in 1988, and he explained how we can shift our consciousness to a different reality where time is different, and this is how we can predict the future. Of course, it is much more complicated than this, and still, it is only a small part of my own theory on reincarnation and human nature. But now I know I am not talking nonsense. I know my beliefs are “something else”, and one day reincarnation will be proved, and finally all skeptics will have to admit who was right all this time.
But the thing is most people don’t realize this. People who believe in reincarnation ignore science. And scientists ignore metaphysical knowledge and the experiences of people who suffer NDE’s, learned to consciously astral project or remember past lives. I have grown quite jaded of the chattering in reincarnation forums. For a while I was still learning, but now I feel I am quite far from all those people who can’t stop talking but rarely reflect and never advance. I feel they are moving in circles. I feel not even reincarnationists can follow or understand me. They decided all we can have is beliefs, they insist remembering past lives is an individual journey, and somehow “we all have our own truths”. Well, of course remembering is an individual journey, and of course we all have our own beliefs, and I have nothing to say about it. But I also feel we have to work for Humanity, to bring knowledge —actual knowledge— to all those who keep being blind. Reincarnation must not be a religion. It has to be scientifically proved. And this is possible, that is what I have discovered recently. It is likely some centuries will pass before we can do it, but it is long since we have the tools and the bases.
I don’t talk about beliefs anymore. There are always discussions about different beliefs taking place in those forums: simultaneous lives, split incarnations, time doesn’t exist in the other side, the astral and spiritual worlds are mixed up constantly, people don’t stop asking about ghosts and other spiritual communications, they wonder how thinks work in other realms... Why, stop talking and study, analyze all the data we have! There are myriads of experiences out there, enough to bring clear, logical answers to these questions. The reliability of these experiences can vary, of course, but that is the reason we have to make use of our analytical, scientific minds, and differentiate them. We also have lots of data that come from the medical field, a lot more reliable, like NDE’s. Instead of thinking, we read something and we instantly say “No, I don’t believe in this account” and discard it. “My neighbor says her daughter dreamed about her future child before the conception. No, that’s crazy, I don’t believe it”. “Someone over lunch said a relative was about to die and he talked to an angel. An angel? No, surely he was hallucinating because of the drugs”. “What? You felt you could float while being asleep? No way! What did you eat last night?”
I feel there is no one there taking seriously all those accounts and analyzing what they have in common, searching for a possible explanation. Scientists are too busy studying other things, “New Age” people are busy building silly theories from doubtful sources and ignoring scientists, and in the meanwhile common people just get crazy not knowing what is false and what is true... The result is complete confusion. Advancement is impossible this way.
Well, I am trying to merge together all the knowledge we have, discarding myths and trying to back my own hypothesis with scientific facts. The soul is much more complex than we think. This is already known by many traditional teachings, but now I have found this can be explained by Western science. How time works in the spiritual realms can also be explained this way. The Truth is just in front of our eyes, and we just can’t see it.
My next book will deal with this hypothesis. My own scientific, logical, ultimate hypothesis on reincarnation and human nature.