First, I’ll copy what I
wrote in one of the forums I participate three days ago.
Sometimes weird things
happen. Maybe the Universe is weird in itself. Or maybe it's just random and we
think there is some kind of Force making them happen, who knows...
This is what I said
exactly one month ago:
I had a dream I was in a vet clinic. When someone mentioned horses had a soul a
coworker looked at her like she was crazy. So I started to speak to her in
whispers, saying I understood, and talking about some of my theories but not
everything, to make people think. The dream was much longer than that, I was
feeling sad as it's as if I'd like to be there, but at the same time knowing I
don't fit and I won't, no matter how much I try, at least in this life.
Actually, in the dream I was saying "Every time I am inside, I'm happy at
first but then it's not long before I get disappointed again, I just can't
stand certain attitudes". And I think this has been triggered because of a
conversation I've been having with someone who showed me exploiters and people
who don't have respect for people's work exist in all professions, sadly
(yesterday evening my boyfriend also pointed out to me that economists say that the
way the world is going, everyone is going to have less and less good job
positions). And then my rebel instincts stir and remind me I just can't deal
with this kind of people and remain peaceful, as I am when I'm in the kitchen
cooking or ironing while listening to music. Maybe one day I'll have to learn
how to deal with them (that is, being false and pretending I give a damn for
what they say), but it seems that's what I have to leave for another life.
They'd kill me in this one. Maybe they did long ago, and that's what I'm
fighting really, maybe that's the reason I seem to be in an eternal agony.
This is not the first
dream of this kind I have. I remember another one where I also was in a clinic
filled with people, everyone working and complaining of the disorganization,
work conditions, etc. But the last one was a bit different as I was talking to
a particular person, and it seemed there was a bit of understanding between us.
While I was
concentrating on my writer's career I began to feel like I was ok with
forgetting about my vet career. Had I been killed? Well, it's ok, who cares...
I can always come back in my next life, when I don't have to fight so much just
to have a decent job after so much effort. I was having fun creating my own
business cards as a writer, and the prospect of entering a contest for the
first time is quite exciting. Then someone phoned. I couldn't even remember the
job position I had applied to. I've been doing that almost every week for the
last four years and a half, and most of the times they didn't even bother to
phone. But then the interview was even more surprising. I met someone and
things seemed to click instantly. She wasn't my boss, she'd be my coworker. I
even thought I had met her before... not in this life, though later I
discovered she had been doing an internship in the same place I had been
working for the last time, but four years after I quit. She didn't accept the
job she was offered after the internship because the pay was ridiculous.
Now I know there was a
lot of competition to get this job (it just shows the desperation we're living
in), but after we talked and then she saw me working she quickly made the
choice, though her boss kept doubting and doubting. But sometimes it seems the
Universe conspires to clear out all the obstacles so that you obtain what you
need... when you need it (even when you think it's not the right moment).
When I think about
her, I have the impression she was the one in the dream. It felt like I was
debating with myself, as it's clear I have conflicts in this respect. But now
it also feels I could have been talking to her, as if she was trying to
convince me to join her, and I was telling her my reasons not to.
I will add a few words. At this point of my past life journey I still don’t
know whether we plan our lives or not. I’d say we don’t. Some people love to
believe everything is carefully planned and everything is right. Whatever
happens, there’s a God up there who allows every death, every disgraceful
event, someone who looks after our souls and makes sure there is a reason for
everything. I always disagree. If that were true, we wouldn’t return with past
life traumas, unresolved issues or fears to be judged again. While in Heaven,
we would understand everything was planned and everything was for the better.
We'd learn what we had to learn, and then we’d come back searching for new
lessons. I do believe our human minds can’t grasp the intention of our soul
wanting to go through certain experiences, and I do believe that what we think
is wrong, could be right from the spiritual perspective. But I think there can
be “deviations” from the script. We can make decisions we thought we’d never
make. We can react in a different way when we encounter in reality those
challenges we wanted to face. I don’t think we’re just puppets unconsciously
living what was already planned. I think our lives are a dynamic process where
anything can happen. I’m sure that’s the reason living is so “fun” most of the
I can say now is that there’s indeed a higher self who knows better than our “lower
self” (for lack of a better word) what we have to do next. I do believe we have
“coworkers” who are part of the team and help us make the right decisions,
depending on what we need. I also believe in free will, so I’m sure the final
choice is always ours, no matter what advice they give. I think this is what we
call “Destiny”. We think it’s something we can’t control, something outside of
us. But it’s only we are not aware of how our consciousness works in higher
levels, communicating with our guides and finally making us do what is better
for us... IF the message gets through. I believe this is not always the case,
as sometimes we are blind and deaf to the messages we get from our coworkers.
We can get impatient, we can get stubborn, and pursue something we know is not
for us, wasting time that maybe we won’t be able to recover. If we lose our
head, things can certainly go wrong, and the end is all of our making, it’s not
“carefully and divinely planned so that we learn something”. We learn from our
own choices.
feel so lucky to have the line open, to feel I’m not alone in this journey. I
feel like I called three years ago, and they instantly replied to my cry of
help, giving me the answers I sought. Now that I’ve resolved most of those
issues that were affecting me, I can go back to work... and they unlocked the
doors. Even before I felt ready, I was intuitively doing things to start this new stage in my life. I moved to my new flat, and brought my work clothes with me, though the prospect of finding a job kept looking quite bad. It seems magic, but it’s just... LIFE!