[I rarely do
this, to translate almost literally something I wrote for my Spanish blog, but
I think the occasion deserves this treatment. Suicide is a matter that concerns
everyone, and from what I have seen, only in a few places (the main one being
Military Past Lives) you can talk about it without wasting your time and
entry: ¿Qué pasa con los suicidas?]
A recent
conversation in another forum (Child Past Lives) about suicide has made me reflect
about this subject again, though I also suspect it’s a time of anniversaries
and so this triggers certain inner feelings of rage and sadness I can’t avoid.
On the other hand, the truth is I’m feeling a bit frustrated again. Besides my
own publications and the book I have written (which is more than a little), I
not only don’t see any serious advancement in regards to reincarnation (with
the exception of some new forum members who do advance, a lot, at a personal
level, which makes me proud and glad at the same time), I even notice a bit of
a setback. Or at least that’s the impression I get when I watch certain
lectures in certain “spiritual” conventions attended by people that are still very lost.
But, well,
I’d better go back to my writing, and today it’s about suicide. I don’t know
why this subject is so controversial, even among reincarnationists themselves.
Well, I do know: because most of the time reincarnationists also base on their
own beliefs instead of first-person experiences. Not all of those who remember
past lives remember they committed suicide, and so it seems they treat us, “ex-suicide
victims” or those who for some reason wonder about suicide, the same way they
treat other people whom they consider they have to commiserate, like all of
those who have been “very, very evil”, and then they wish you don’t suffer too
much in this life, as undoubtedly they believe you’re going to suffer a lot as
a consequence of having been very evil... In that conversation I mentioned
above, someone said suicide could be a form of self-punishment for taking
someone else’s life and they invited us to guess why Judas Iscariot committed
suicide. I almost faint due to the nonsense of these words, thank goodness
there are few things that surprise me at this point.
There is
also another reason why in general talking about suicide is avoided, besides
the fact that rummaging in the wound of those who lost the suicide victim implies to stir a very deep pain and nobody wants to do that. That reason is that
if you say nothing happens when you kill yourself, it seems you’re promoting or
glorifying suicide, and you’re encouraging everyone to do it. Well, I want to
make myself clear I don’t promote or glorify suicide, nor do I encourage
anyone to do it. Had I not done it in the past, perhaps I would have
known facets of myself that remain hidden nowadays. Or perhaps I would have
become a lovely old woman and today I would be telling my great-grandchildren
what living through the Second World War meant. Possibly I could have made
better decisions... or maybe not. We will never know that, as once we make a
decision, we can’t go back and we have to bear the consequences (and, no, this does NOT mean karma exists). So, if I don’t know what would have become of me
in my case, how could I know in the case of other people? The circumstances
surrounding a suicide are always very different and no one has the right to judge. The important thing here is, whatever you do, it is your decision. You are responsible, and you will realize for yourself if what you did was
right, cowardice, a desperate call for attention, a stupidity for abusing drugs
or a direct consequence of the depression you were going through.
Anyway, I’m
going to say it loud and clear, as is my style:
This is to
No one is
going to punish you in the afterlife.
You’re not
going to Hell.
You’re not
going to be forced to wander in the astral until all the time you had
determined to live before incarnating has passed. (This doesn’t mean you’re not
going to be a bit confused, in some cases, but this also happens to those who
die by natural causes).
You’re not
going to “repeat stories” until you learn whatever you came here to learn.
You don’t “break
contracts” with anyone, among other things, because I doubt very much there are
“binding contracts” in the spiritual world, though many want to sell us so many
“soul plans”, “soul contracts” and many other unproved tales. Just an
example: someone in that conversation said that in Robert Schwartz’s book Your Soul’s
Plan it is said the actions of a person can influence the DNA and be passed
down to their offspring. Fortunately this person doubted this was true, as anyone
with a minimal knowledge of genetics (and especially if they remember past
lives) knows that claiming this is a barbarity, even taking epigenetics into
account, something that is starting to be mentioned quite frequently, but only a
few really know how it works. Another person said, mainly based on the Michael
Newton’s books he had read, that “the soul who committed suicide merely jumps
back into another, similar life as soon as possible if not immediately”.
Well, this
is not what happened to me. I remember many lives very close together, but it
has nothing to do with the manner in which I died. And after committing suicide
in WWII, I reincarnated in West Germany, where I had a quite well-to-do life in
which I was an industrial engineer and then I worked for the American Army. It
wasn’t a similar life, in any way, to my former life. But I am not an
exception. I also know many other people who also committed suicide in past
lives, and you know what? None of them has had to repeat stories, nor have they
been lost in the astral, nor do they know anything about contracts they made
with other souls. Furthermore, currently they all are as happy as a lark. Even
if there was something planned, we all have free will. If we wish, we ignore
the plan, and that’s all. You can say this is not too considerate or sportsmanlike,
that’s true, but if that’s our decision, nothing happens. The others will have
to adapt to the changes and improvise. But no one said you will have to pay a price
for coming back home before it was due, whatever the reason might be.
Now, will
your loved ones suffer? Of course they will. The same way they would suffer if
you had died for any other reason. So you will have to evaluate if making your
loved ones suffer is worth. But in each case we would have to see who is more
selfish, the one leaving because they don’t want to live anymore, or the one
that forces someone who is suffering to stay because they don’t want to suffer.
Are you going to resolve your problems killing yourself? Of course not. That is
not a way to solve anything, it’s as if you quit an exam or leave your team
in the middle of a match. You won’t feel great after killing yourself either,
that’s true, especially if you killed yourself because you were suffering. Unresolved emotions will accompany you in the next life,
and you will have to keep dealing with them. But that doesn’t happen only with
suicide, it also happens with many other decisions you made that didn’t turn
out as you expected. Sometimes we make mistakes and repent, but luckily we
always have new opportunities to act accordingly to the way we consider more
correct. Yes, things sometimes are complicated. But no one said living was
going to be easy, didn’t they?
I was going
to put the link to the thread I was speaking of, but I’ve just discovered it
was deleted, so you see I was right when I said this is a controversial
subject, and this when it was being very civilized and interesting. I can assure
you that doesn’t happen in my own forum, where I like to go to the bottom of
things and speak with rotundity.
More information:
COMMENTARY (18-11-2015).
The truth is it’s very hard for me to understand why people find it so difficult to speak openly about such serious and important matters as this. I’ve been very disappointed this thread was deleted, many interesting things were being said and I didn’t feel it was going to turn problematic in any moment. However, I keep seeing it in the lectures I mentioned above. You go to a convention where they talk about life after death (in Spain) and the lecturer refuses to talk about reincarnation or suicide (some for fear of the Church’s reaction, at this point). It’s logical if you know nothing about it, but some reincarnationists do know, no matter who may disagree. It is not a belief, I’m not speaking of spiritualist doctrines that are no more than a religion. We’re speaking of experiences and facts, sometimes even with verified memories, and of very well known people of whom I can say anything out of respect for their anonymity. How much longer will silence prevail? How much longer this secrecy? How much longer the confusion and the eternal doubts? When will we become really free?
The truth is it’s very hard for me to understand why people find it so difficult to speak openly about such serious and important matters as this. I’ve been very disappointed this thread was deleted, many interesting things were being said and I didn’t feel it was going to turn problematic in any moment. However, I keep seeing it in the lectures I mentioned above. You go to a convention where they talk about life after death (in Spain) and the lecturer refuses to talk about reincarnation or suicide (some for fear of the Church’s reaction, at this point). It’s logical if you know nothing about it, but some reincarnationists do know, no matter who may disagree. It is not a belief, I’m not speaking of spiritualist doctrines that are no more than a religion. We’re speaking of experiences and facts, sometimes even with verified memories, and of very well known people of whom I can say anything out of respect for their anonymity. How much longer will silence prevail? How much longer this secrecy? How much longer the confusion and the eternal doubts? When will we become really free?
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