Thursday, 24 April 2014

The Simple Truth.

I’ve been reflecting for weeks now about this concept of “The Truth”, so I was glad to find these two quotes in a place I frequent:

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”
Winston Churchill

“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.”
Mahatma Gandhi

There’s only One Truth, not multiple truths. I’ve become quite tired and I’m beginning to feel jaded about all this reincarnation/spiritual talk that says “We all are right, we have different experiences, but who knows who has the Truth, we all may as well have it”. I think this is just a diplomatic way to say all beliefs have the same value, everyone can say whatever and even if it sounds crazy, it will be alright, because it’s their experience, so who are we to judge, they have their own truth and we have to respect it.

And my opinion on this is: “No. Not all the experiences are the same. Not all beliefs are valid. There’s only One Truth. The rest are only different interpretations, all subjective, of that truth. And we, as human beings who are still confused and are seeking for answers, must dig deep in these experiences, to reach the Real Truth behind them, and discard the fantasy, the preconceptions and the myths that time and legends have woven around the Truth”.

When I say this, I feel I come across as some kind of intolerant and arrogant bastard who thinks he knows better than anyone else. Social norms, net-etiquette, or whatever, says you can’t argue with anyone or defend your opinions because “all experiences are valid and maybe none of us is right”. And I think: “That’s a lot of shit”. We all are looking for answers, and we all have experiences that can bring us closer to the Truth. We have to talk about them, compare them to what other people have described, find the points in common, and, always with a rational and objective thinking, start to reach some conclusions. What we can’t do is to think all black shadows are demons, assume they can’t be any other thing, only demons, and pretend we know everything and the rest of people are ignorant. We all have our own truth, what we think we experienced… but we can only get closer to the Truth listening to the other hundreds of experiences and see where we may be right in our interpretation, and where we may be wrong. And when I’m sure of something, it’s because I’ve seen it in the majority of cases and I assume there’s something true on it. Even then I can be wrong, but I have a lot more of elements to judge.

When I talk about how I think things are, I don’t talk only from my own experience, but also from information I’ve learned in many other sources, information I’ve analyzed and cleaned from those interpretations that distort the Truth behind it. Human beings have the habit of wanting to transform the Truth so that it’s more similar to their own beliefs. And they put different names to the same things, only adding to the confusion that reigns in spiritual places. Religions would be the most extreme example of this. And quite sad, because they show how bloody intolerant and cruel human beings can be with each other. We all know there’s something common to all religions, especially the monotheist ones, but most people keep being trapped in the dogmas and rituals, leaving everyone else out, perpetuating racism, sexism and all kind of hatred, instead of forgetting everything about it and stay with the One Truth behind all of them: that we all are spiritual beings in a path of human experience, where we have to learn to love and respect each other. Anything else is superficial and useless. But we still have a long way to break all this primitive concepts that hinder us so much in our paths. Religions are the cause of so much darkness and suffering in our world that I can’t explain why people haven’t already opened their eyes and forget about them once and for all. It makes me feel I’m still in a playground, surrounded by kids who only want someone to tell them what is wrong and what is right, so that they have not to worry, instead of assuming their responsibility and searching for the One Truth on their own. It’s over 2000 years now since Jesus said we have to look for it in the inside, in our hearts. But it seems no one listened to him…

No one knows the Absolute Truth, I’ll give you that. I’m afraid human beings can never achieve that knowledge, because our human senses deceive us. But we do have a lot of keys that help us see that Truth, and we must use them all. There’s no point in focusing in one aspect of our human nature and forget about the others, they’re all pieces of the same puzzle. If we focus only in one of those aspects, we’ll only have a partial truth. And I do think there are not too many people in the world who study all sides of it. Not even scientists, who should be way more open to all kind of spiritual experiences. I think that’s why I’m becoming so jaded. After all these years studying reincarnation, NDE’s, OBE’s, religions, esoteric teachings, and many paranormal phenomena (and now with my own experiences), I see it all so clearly in my head… I just don’t understand why other people can’t see it, and why they keep asking the same questions again and again. Of course, I’m far from knowing everything, and it’s hard to be completely specific about certain matters, but I’ve put two and two together in my mind and it’s like having these diagram of a crime scene on the wall, almost done, with only a few unsolved mysteries on it. And it’s so frustrating I can’t make other people see.

So… going back to the initial quotes, everyone is free to believe in the bunch of lies they choose to. Everyone can alter the Truth and tell us that’s what we must believe. Someone said that if a lie is repeated over and over again, it becomes the Truth. But I don’t agree with that. The Truth, hidden or not, is always there, whether you see it or not. When I’m pissed off, I sometimes use the sentence “Believe what you want”, and I know many people will think I’m that intolerant and arrogant bastard who thinks he knows better than anyone else. That’s not politically correct… but I’ve never been good in diplomacy anyway (at least in this life). And I just don’t care: the Truth is out there, for all those who are ready to embrace it. Like Jesus said: “Those who have ears, let them hear!”

And I add: 

“Not all slaves know what to do with their freedom, when it is given to them”. 

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